Jennifer is presenting in-person at the 2022 IEEE Electrical Safety Workshop in Jacksonville, Florida!

The Impact – “Just and Electrician”
Jennifer’s presentation
Jennifer Martin is at it again, continuing to inspire and grow the electrical safety community! She contributes in many ways such as reviewing and commenting on draft standards, participating in influential groups such as chairing the Electrical Safety Task Group (ESTG) of the Department of Energy’s Energy Facility Contractors Group (EFCOG), and presenting in forums such as the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). This is all in addition to her enormous contributions through her work at Pacific National Northwest Laboratories (PNNL) and through her training and consultation she offers for general industry and power generation, transmission, and distribution. She tirelessly pursues furthering her own knowledge and experience, as well as helping those around her to do the same. We are incredibly grateful for her energy and example she sets for us all.
We encourage you to participate in this community as well! Start by attending the 2022 IEEE Electrical Safety Workshop and see Jennifer present her new paper: The Impact – “Just and Electrician”. If you’ve never attended, just come up to her or anyone at the ElecTrain team and we’d be happy to show you around and introduce you to the people to help you grow your network and knowledge as well!

Abstract – How did I get here & how do I fit in? I am not an engineer, or a physicist, I am just an electrician. A question that many of us have had at our first IEEE IAS Electrical Safety Workshop. The truth? Never underestimate the impact you can have on someone just like you or the electrical industry in general. The most highly recognized trailblazers that participate annually began the journey to the top as “just an electrician”. Thanks to the curiosity and dedication furthering the theoretical or practical understanding of the industry that is continually advancing is purely addictive. Together amongst some of the most respected pillars of the electrical industry, we evolve to the next chapter of our careers. Where will you be 5 years; 10 years from today? Will you be recognized by name within the standards committees, an electrical instruction or safety mogul?

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