Safety Program Audits

Let us look under the hood of your safety programs…..

When audits are performed by in-house personnel, often little time is allocated to perform the audit adequately and there can be hesitance to identify issues or raise concerns. This function is best performed by a third party to alleviate the extra responsibility of conducting the audits and ensuring that potential safety issues are properly identified and documented.

Service Details

Program audits are a necessary and effective method to determine program compliance with applicable standards, verify consistent application throughout your organization, and to identify potential areas to improve your existing programs. While ElecTrain specializes in auditing LOTO and Electrical Safety Programs, we have the ability to perform audits on any safety programs using our network of safety specialists.

LOTO Program and Electrical Safety Programs require regular audits to be performed.

There are several reasons to use and external auditor to assist with the program audits:

  • Innovation – We bring external experience and new ideas for meeting program requirements. Our perspective can help find new solutions to old challenges.
  • Experience – We bring knowledge of common issues to identify for improvement.
  • Integrity – We raise all safety concerns without fear of reprisal or other consequences.
    • Knowledge – Our auditors inspect safety programs from all types of organizations and have the expertise from the application of the standards across such a dynamic range.
  • Annual Electrical Field Work Audit – Field work is observed to ensure workers properly apply the organization’s Electrical Safety Program and processes while at the same time ensuring that the program adequately addresses the hazards to which the workers may be exposed.
  • Three-Year Electrical Safety Program Audit – This audit is focused on the program itself and is conducted to ensure that it is written to compliance with the latest electrical safety practices contained in OSHA and NFPA. The standards update on a 3-year cycle, making this a good opportunity to upgrade your program to the latest published edition of the standards. Due to the implementation of new electrical safety work practices, new interpretations, and new terminology that may come with the latest editions, it is recommended that this audit be performed by ElecTrain’s experts to ensure adequacy and maintain the necessary degree of non-bias.
  • Annual Lockout/Tagout Program Audit – This audit ensures that your lockout/tagout (LOTO) program is compliant with the latest editions of the driving standards adequately protecting your workers. LOTO is an essential piece of electrical safety and required to eliminate the electrical hazards and to establish and electrically safe working conditions. The scope of this audit would cover your organization’s LOTO procedure, associated training, and worker application of the procedure.


Applying excessive safety requirements can be just as hazardous as misinterpreting requirements from the standards. If your organization lacks the expertise to navigate the electrical safety requirements and practices, let us help keep you on track and keep your workers safe.



When audits are performed by in-house personnel, often little time is allocated to perform the audit adequately and there can be hesitance to identify issues or raise concerns. This function is best performed by a third party to alleviate the extra responsibility of conducting the audits and ensuring that potential safety issues are properly identified and documented.



Conducting a rushed and inadequate incident investigation only compounds the tragedy and leaves the door open for similar events to occur again. Ensure your workforce is protected from incident reoccurrence by using the right people for the right job and bring in our expertise to help navigate the way to resolve the programmatic issues.